Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Book of Mormon costumes

Working for Jagprops I made this Monster (I've named her Sheila)

Stages of construction

God Cloak


Original costume designs by Ann Roth

Heidi at The Theatre Royal Bath

Working for Jagprops for Heidi at the Theatre Royal in Bath I adapted four pairs of tap shoes into hooves for the goat costumes, Designed by Hayley Grindle.

Arabian Nights By Dominic Cooke

Arabian Knights By Dominic Cooke
Working for Jagprops.

For this horse I was given a few reference images of medieval horses with metal armour. Working from the images I developed this design. The armour is all made out of plastizote, coated with idendon and painted.
Designed by Hayley Grindle.

I carved the bird puppets feet out of plastizote and then used Varaform on top in two halves to cerate the shape. I then joined the Varaform feet and covered them with fabric, latex and paint.

James and the Giant Peach

Scenic painting continued 

Huge wooden floor! I really enjoyed painting this, many glazes and layers, I also used a home made rocker to create the wood grain.

  Map flat and some other bits.